As Americans live longer, families everywhere are forced to confront the sad reality of how to care for an elderly parent with a declining mental condition or other incapacity. Typically, an adult child moves for a conservatorship and/or power of attorney to take control over the parent’s decision-making and to manage affairs.
But what happens when it is the President of the United States who is entrusted by the nation with crucial decisions that he is no longer capable of making? A Hunter Biden conservatorship, making him the de facto President? Let’s hope not.
Anyone who has done a deep dive into special counsel Robert Hur’s 345-page report that describes in frightening detail Joe Biden’s diminished mental state must be wondering the same thing. It is an alarming portrayal of a man who is progressively lost, confused, and bereft of memory.
The report recites how Biden “did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (‘if it was 2013 —when did I stop being Vice President?’), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began (‘in 2009, am I still Vice President?’).”
The Hur report is filled with other distressing examples of how Biden routinely struggles to communicate and seems vacuous of events, times, and places. His critical thinking skills reflected in his inability to recall has grown worse over time, the report noted.
Americans didn’t need the special counsel’s summary to tell them what they already know. They’ve witnessed it with their own eyes and ears on the increasingly infrequent occasions when Joe’s handlers have allowed him to speak. In just the last few days, he has recounted conversations he supposedly had with foreign leaders who have been dead for years.
Hur’s report presents damning evidence that Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials…as a private citizen” in direct violation of the Espionage Act. But in refusing to recommend criminal charges, the special counsel concludes that a jury would not convict “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
In a legal context, what Hur is really implying is that Biden is not competent to stand trial. But somehow he is competent to serve as President? And for another four years? At his accelerating rate of decline, one wonders whether he can even finish out his current term.
All of this should deeply disturb every American. It is compelling evidence that the President’s cabinet should now consider invoking the relevant provisions of the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office. Will these enablers do the right thing for the sake of the country? Not likely.
I penned a column two months ago arguing that prominent members of the Democrat party may soon decide to take matters into their own hands. As Joe’s poll numbers continue to crater and as his receding mental acuity becomes more conspicuous every day, they should approach the Biden family and urge the President to exit the presidential race. This could happen anytime before the Chicago convention in August.
Candidly, members of the Biden family should have done this on their own before the campaign ever commenced. They well know his deteriorating condition. Yet, they insist on propping him up and concealing the truth from the public.
Compassion for an ailing husband and father should take precedence over the addictions to power and prestige.
This is not about the prejudice of “ageism.” It is about the welfare of a nation and the care of a man who is no longer capable of managing himself without intervention. It is a sad scenario, but not an unsolvable one.
It’s about empathy, dignity, and grace.