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Biden pick for top Pentagon position pushed Russia hoax, touted Steele dossier

Joe Biden announced his pick for a top Pentagon position Wednesday and, to no surprise, he was a Russia-hoaxer. 

Colin Kahl, who will serve in a top Pentagon position, pushed the conspiracy that the Trump campaign conspired with the Kremlin to influence the results of the 2016 election. 

Kahl endorsed the Russia hoax theory in a December 2017 essay, and also pushed the Steele dossier in past tweets, the Daily Caller reports. 

“The circumstantial evidence suggesting that the Trump campaign collaborated with the Kremlin to get now-President Donald Trump elected continues to mount,” Kahl, a national security adviser for Biden during his vice presidency, wrote in the essay. 

“But even if it turns out there was no direct ‘collusion’ to shape the 2016 election, what we have learned so far – including most recently from retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s guilty plea this past week – is incredibly troubling.” 

Kahl acknowledged the potential that the Trump team may not have directly conspired with Russia, but said that “the evidence is now irrefutable” that Trump “broadly conspired to give Moscow a pass despite (or perhaps because of) Russia’s attack on our democracy.” 

The Biden transition team announced that Kahl will serve as undersecretary of defense for policy. 

He is just one of many Biden appointees who pushed the Russia hoax narrative. 

He also supported the Steele dossier, which alleged that Trump campaign associates conspired with Kremlin insiders and Russian hackers to release emails damaging the Democrats during the 2016 election, according to the Daily Caller. 
