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Gregg Jarrett, the brilliant New York Times Best Selling Author, has a FANTASTIC new book out, "The Trial of the Century", which is getting absolutely phenomenal reviews. Gregg got it right on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax and now he laser focuses on iconic attorney Clarence Darrow and the famous Scopes Monkey Trial - INCREDIBLE.
- Former President Donald J. Trump

“Colorful and dramatic…. Those new to the case will be especially rewarded by this solid look back at one of the most consequential free speech debates in American history.”
Publishers Weekly
What To Read Next
“Jarrett’s account of the iconic Scopes Monkey Trial celebrates the good guys. An excellent history with a disturbing coda: If you want to learn about evolution, go to college.”
Kirkus Reviews
June 1st Edition

The Trial of the Century

From Gregg Jarrett, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Russia Hoax and The Witch Hunt comes a gripping and comprehensive history of the iconic attorney Clarence Darrow and the famous Scopes Monkey Trial.

Let Me Tell You More About The Book…

Nearly a century ago, famed liberal attorney Clarence Darrow defended schoolteacher John Scopes in a blockbuster legal proceeding that brought the attention of the entire country to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee. Darrow’s seminal defense of freedom of speech helped form the legal bedrock on which our civil liberties depend today. Expertly researched, eye-opening, and stirring, The Trial of the Century calls upon our past to unite Americans in defense of the free exchange of ideas, especially in this divided time.

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Praise for The Trial of the Century

“Colorful and dramatic... Those new to the case will be especially rewarded by this solid look back at one of the most consequential free speech debates in American history.”
“Jarrett’s account of the iconic Scopes Monkey Trial celebrates the good guys. An excellent history with a disturbing coda: If you want to learn about evolution, go to college.”
Kirkus Reviews
June 1st Edition
“Jarrett’s skills as a storyteller elevate this riveting narrative of a school teacher’s fight for educational autonomy and his legendary lawyer’s unyielding belief that no one should be told how to think. Captivating!”
Senator Mike Lee
US Senator for Utah
"Gregg has brilliantly gone back to the original trial transcripts and helped us understand the extraordinary drama of one of the most important trials of the 20th century."
Newt Gingrich
Former Speaker of the House
“Jarrett has woven an absorbing story of an epic trial that changed the course of American history, making it is as relevant now as it was nearly a century ago.  It presaged today’s bitter culture wars.  Insightful and smart.”
Sean Hannity

“Page by page, Jarrett details the intricacies of the Scopes trial in the kind of masterful way that could perhaps only be done by a someone who is both a writer and a lawyer...”

The american spectator

Photos from The Trial Of The Century

“If evolution wins, Christianity goes!”

William Jennings Bryan

“Scopes isn’t on trial; civilization is on trial.”

Clarence Darrow

About Gregg Jarrett

Gregg Jarrett joined Fox News in 2002 and is based in New York. He currently serves as a legal analyst and offers commentary across both Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network.


During his first 15 years at Fox News, Jarrett served as an anchor for various news programs. He was also a correspondent in Iraq in 2003 at the outset of the war. He contributed to the network’s coverage of the 2004, 2008 and 2012 presidential elections.


Jarrett began his television career as an anchor at broadcast stations in San Francisco, CA, Maryland, North Carolina and Kansas. Before that, he was a trial attorney in San Francisco.

“Colorful and dramatic... Those new to the case will be especially rewarded by this solid look back at one of the most consequential free speech debates in American history.”​
Publishers Weekly
What To Read Next
“Jarrett’s account of the iconic Scopes Monkey Trial celebrates the good guys. An excellent history with a disturbing coda: If you want to learn about evolution, go to college.”
Kirkus Reviews
June 1st Edition