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Desperate Dems; Even Liberal Legislator Telling Biden, Harris Visit Border ‘ASAP’

Biden Harris

Democrats have been so painstakingly silent on the southern border crisis it’s deafening. Biden has nothing more to say than assuring the public they aren’t illegally coming to the U.S. because “I’m a nice guy.” He also “tasked” the vice president we forgot we had for looking into the weather of the countries the migrants are coming from because they’re simply traveling when the climate is not scorching hot.

Even Democrats are starting to understand the gig’s up, albeit Democrats who live in the border states such as Texas Representative Henry Cueller. Republicans have been on the ground meeting with border patrol agents and pleading with Congress to find solutions. Many have publicly chastised Biden and Harris for complete absence in the border states despite news reports of the horrendous conditions and desperate pleas made by agencies and law enforcement.

Speaking about Biden and Harris, Cueller said, “Do they need to visit the border at some time? I mean, yes.” He continued, “What’s appropriate, what time is appropriate? For us, as soon as possible” although added, “for them, they’ll have to make that decision.” Harris’ task of figuring out why people are fleeing from their homelands, which any elementary school civics class could figure out, instead of focusing on the crisis on our soil, is problematic.

“Yes, you need to focus on those countries. Yes, you need to focus on the border, and yes you need to focus on the outflow, which is HHS office of refugees, and they got to get those shelters as soon as possible.” Cueller said he would lend his knowledge to the administration’s complicated” issue.

“Some of us have traveled to Central America for so many years, I think we know what the root problems are…we don’t need to do a dissertation on this, we know what the root problems are: crime, poverty, there’s been droughts in the past, but lately there have been two hurricanes, looking for better opportunities,” said Cueller.

If Biden and Harris won’t listen to the American people, the servicemen and women on the southern border or Republicans, perhaps they will have the courtesy to at least respond to a Democrat.
