[otw_shortcode_dropcap label=”L” font=”Ultra” background_color_class=”otw-no-background” size=”large” border_color_class=”otw-no-border-color”][/otw_shortcode_dropcap]ying is pathology. Habitual liars do so compulsively, often to benefit themselves. The same is true of corrupt people. They seek to prosper from their corruption.
For proof, look no further than the venal characters fired from the FBI after inventing the Trump-Russia collusion hoax — Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and Agent Peter Strzok.
All three were fired for their abuse of power, corrupt acts, and suspected lies. Undaunted, they now profit financially from their misdeeds.
Strzok is the latest to capitalize on his infamy. He is set to release a book in September titled “Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump.” The irony should be lost on no one. Can you think of anyone more compromised than the notorious and smug Strzok?
As a top counterintelligence agent at the FBI, Strzok carried on an extramarital affair with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, all the while exchanging profane text messages excoriating Trump as “loathsome,” a “f—— idiot,” and an “enormous douche.”
At the same time, Strzok traded fawning missives of adoration for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, lauding her accomplishments and predicting how she would coast to victory in the presidential election by defeating Trump.
Befitting his texts, Strzok was instrumental in clearing Clinton of criminal charges in her email scandal by sanitizing Comey’s findings so that she escaped indictment. He then signed the documents launching the witch hunt against Trump without a shred of credible evidence. Strzok was personally invested in helping Clinton evade prosecution while sabotaging candidate Trump.
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz informed Congress that Strzok’s texts “clearly showed a biased state of mind” that was “antithetical to the core values of the FBI.”
In the conclusion of his 500-page report, Horowitz stated that Strzok’s bias was so severe that it “implies a willingness to take official action to impact a presidential candidate’s electoral process.”
Attorney General William Barr called Strzok’s bias “appalling.”
Strzok’s diatribes against Trump demonstrated a stunning hostility toward the very man he was investigating. Chronically cocky, he envisioned himself as the FBI’s “super agent” who would protect the country from a dangerous and harmful Trump presidency at all costs.
In the end, Strzok was sacked for his egregious misconduct. Of course, it was fatuous for him to deny bias in the face of such graphic and overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Yet, that is precisely what he did. During his contentious testimony before Congress, the smirking Strzok was the epitome of arrogance and self-righteousness.
Thus, it should come as no surprise that the disgraced former agent has penned a tome about Trump to cash in on his own ignominy. Corrupt people are forever wallowing in denial. They are determined to rewrite history by undermining the truth. The audacity of the title, “Compromised,” is exceeded only by the author’s hubris.
Andrew McCabe is another fired FBI official who wrote a self-serving book, “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump.”
While promoting his book in February 2019, McCabe ventured that President Trump might still be “a Russian asset.” It was a brazenly ludicrous statement. Shortly thereafter, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded there was no evidence of a collusion conspiracy involving the president.
Passages in McCabe’s book drip with contempt for the president. He seethed whenever Trump proclaimed his innocence during the collusion investigation. In McCabe’s cloistered world of law enforcement supremacy, falsely accused people are never entitled to assert that they’ve done nothing wrong.
The record of McCabe’s service as deputy director of the FBI reflects a person possessed of habitual misjudgment, an inflated sense of self-importance, and an utter disregard for both the law and executive authority. It’s truly frightening that someone like McCabe could rise through the ranks of the FBI to become second-in-command and, briefly, acting director.
Like Strzok, all too many of McCabe’s actions were motivated by a hatred of Trump, not by facts. If the facts were not what he wanted, he twisted them to fit, or manufactured outright lies to make his case.
It was McCabe who met secretly with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as he plotted to depose the president under the 25th Amendment and record Trump without his knowledge. Infuriated that his boss, Comey, had been fired, McCabe launched a new investigation of Trump without merit or cause.
McCabe pressured Rosenstein to appoint a special counsel to go after Trump. McCabe’s decisions were driven by political bias and personal animus — not by sustainable facts or plausible evidence.
McCabe’s presumptuousness was remarkable and disturbing. He harbored a fundamental misunderstanding of the law and the Constitution. He considered his sub-rosa operations to be autonomous and sacrosanct, as if he were answerable to no one but himself. That kind of pretension in law enforcement is exceedingly dangerous because it inevitably leads to abuses of power. And so it did.
McCabe was eventually fired for dishonesty when the inspector general determined that he had “made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor — including under oath — on multiple occasions.” This was a polite way of saying that McCabe was canned for leaking and lying.
Naturally, this made McCabe a perfect fit for CNN, which hired him as a paid commentator. It is laughable that the network now offers him as a credible source of analysis.
This brings us to the vainglorious James Comey, who promptly penned a pulpy piece of propaganda called, “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership” after he was fired as FBI director.
In the book, Comey sermonizes about lies and lying people. This is perversely sardonic coming from a man who, more than anyone else, is responsible for the most notorious hoax in modern American history.
After cashing in handsomely on sales, Comey is set to fatten his bank account even more with a forthcoming drama miniseries adaptation called “The Comey Rule.” This will be followed by a second book titled, “Saving Justice: Truth, Transparency, and Trust.”
Clearly, the author has a sense of humor. Truth, transparency, and trust are alien concepts to Comey.
The history of Comey’s egocentric and imperious tenure at the FBI is notable only for deceit, secrecy, corruption and abuse of power. Comey is a classic poseur; he feigns moralist principles but embraces unscrupulous tactics. He is a shameless fraud.
It was Comey who twisted the facts and contorted the law to clear Hillary Clinton. He initiated an investigation of Trump without legally sufficient evidence. He tasked undercover informants to infiltrate Trump’s presidential campaign.
Comey deceived the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by withholding exculpatory evidence and signed three warrant applications swearing that the information was verified when it was not. He misappropriated government documents and furtively leaked them to the media to precipitate an illegitimate special counsel investigation.
Comey was behind the insipid plot to ensnare President-elect Trump into saying something incriminating during a January 2017 meeting at Trump Tower. He engineered the plan to set up and frame former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Comey then bragged about it to an audience … and laughed.
The disgraced fired FBI director has repeatedly given deceptive or misleading statements to Congress, the media, and the American people. He consistently lied to President Trump by saying the president was not under investigation.
Throughout all of this, Comey refuses to accept any responsibility. Instead, he adopts the mantle of purity, while shifting blame to others or attempting to cover it up. He preens behind false rectitude in an effort to paper over his own lies and lack of leadership.
The many Machiavellian machinations of Comey are well-documented in scathing inspector general reports. A criminal referral against him was sent to the Department of Justice. So far, he has escaped prosecution.
But the wreckage that Comey wrought will take years to repair. As FBI director, he was a cancerous tumor. He betrayed the public trust. As a private citizen, he continues to spin his web of deceit while exalting his status as a martyr. He is a monument to vanity.
It is outrageous that Comey, McCabe, and Strzok are allowed to profit from corrupt acts. Americans should reject this pathology of lies.