One FBI investigation is already underway with regard to fraudulent election practices. The investigation is looking into robocalls warning people not to vote. Authorities haven’t specified much detail, but a senior official at the Department of Homeland Security told reporters the FBI is investigating.
The anonymous calls were received by voters all across the country in the days and weeks leading up to election day. The calls urged voters to “stay safe and stay home” as part of an “ominous warning that election experts said could be an effort to scare voters into sitting out the election” reported abc News.
Calls were of a female computerized voice, which did not mention the elections directly, and were sent to nearly 90 percent of U.S. area codes. Reportedly one version of the call has the electronic woman saying, “This is just a test call. Time to stay home. Stay safe and stay home.”
One Kansas City resident received the call on election day; he told the Associated Press “it felt like voter suppression.” YouMail, a tech company that makes anti-robocall software, conducted an analysis and found calls began over the summer and increased leading up to election day. “Whoever created the robocalls used sophisticated tactics, routing the calls in a way that masked their identity and location” explained YouMail’s chief executive Alex Quilici.
The FBI said in a statement, “we are aware of reports of robocalls and have no further comment. As a reminder, the FBI. Encourages the American public to verify any election and voting information they may receive through their local election officials.” A Homeland Security official spoke on the condition they not be identified, said, “robocalls of this nature happen every election” and advised “keep calm, vote on.”