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Former CDC Head Says World Health Org ‘Too Compromised’ For COVID Origin Probe

Dr. Robert Redfield
Dr. Robert Redfield

The Biden administration, followed by liberals and mainstream media, are finally admitting there is merit in the lab-leak theory that caused the global coronavirus pandemic. However, there is still an uphill battle on the reliability of those looking into all possible COVID-19 origin scenarios.

On Tuesday, the former Centers for Disease Control director Robert Redfield told Fox News the World Health Organization was “too compromised” in the early days of the pandemic to conduct a thorough investigation into its origins.

“I think they were highly compromised. Clearly, they were incapable of compelling China to adhere to the treaty agreements that they have on global health because they didn’t do that. Clearly, they allowed China to define the group of scientists that could come and investigate” said Redfield.

Redfield also stated in the interview that in his “professional opinion as a virologist” the coronavirus leaked from a lab in Wuhan. “I didn’t think it was biologically plausible that COVID-19 went from a bat to some unknown animal into man and now had become one of the most infectious viruses,” said Redfield.

The bat theory is “not consistent with how other coronaviruses have come into the human species. And, it does suggest that there’s an alternative hypothesis that it went from a bat virus, got into a laboratory, where in the laboratory, it was taught, educated, it evolved so that it became a virus that could efficiently transmit human to human” added Redfield.

National Review writes “A WHO team tasked with investigating the origins of the coronavirus was denied access to records at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, one of the laboratories in Wuhan that research coronaviruses. WHO director-general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called for further investigation of the lab-leak hypothesis following the probe.”
