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‘If You Have A Social Bubble, It Is Now Popped’ Says CA Health Official As Outdoor Gatherings Are No More

Gavin Newsom
Gavin Newsom

Minute by minute, horror stories are emerging across the country of freedoms lost and autonomy on the brink of extinction. Some of the most infringing mandates come, unsurprisingly, from one of the country’s most liberal areas: California. At the end of last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced: “the new regional stay-at-home order Thursday, designed to prevent local health systems from becoming overwhelmed by surging COVID-19 cases” reports the San Francisco Gate.

Mandating who can gather inside one’s home forced people to begin gathering outside; now that is not going far enough for the liberal leadership. “Previously,” writes the SF Gate, “the state requirement for private social gatherings was to keep them outdoors and small, with people from no more than three households attending.”

Some of the most infringing mandates come, unsurprisingly, from one of the country’s most liberal areas: California

“Now, if your country or region falls under the order, ‘all gatherings with members of other households are prohibited,’ according to the state” reports the SF Gate. The new state-at-home order is now in place throughout Southern California and the Central Valley, as well as “adopted preemptively by six Bay Area jurisdictions – Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Santa Clara, San Francisco and the city of Berkeley.”

Put delicately, as joyfully drunk on power political operatives do, Santa Clara County simply put it: “You may no longer gather socially (even outdoors).” Berkeley Health Officer Dr. Lisa Hernandez didn’t hold back either saying, “If you have a social bubble, it is now popped.” How delicately considerate.

Now for the hypocrisy du jour. “While social gatherings aren’t permitted, religious worship, protests and demonstrations are allowed but only outdoors with health protocols in place” reports the SF Gate. “In the Bay Area, where the six jurisdictions adopted the order before the state mandate, some counties such as San Francisco are allowing outdoor fitness classes with up to 12 people including the instructor.”

Playing the martyr, Newsom said, “so this is really important to take care of your physical health, to take care of your mental health, to get the kind of exercise that is required to get us through this temporary moment.” Nonetheless, you cannot gather outside with friends. Therefore, the SF Gate writes “Newsom encouraged residents under the order to recreate outdoors and said at a Dec. 3 press briefing that walking the dog, going on a run or walk with a partner within your household, going sledding or fishing, and taking a bike ride are all allowed in regions under the order.”
