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Jeffery Lord: Witch Hunt Details “Dirtiest Trick in Political History”

Columnist Jeffery Lord gave a rave review to Gregg’s new book, Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History. Mr. Lord highlights some of his favorite passages from the book, including Gregg’s dismantling of the media’s role in creating and selling the Russia collusion hoax, as well as the launching of continual investigations in search of a crime.

Mr. Lord also notes Gregg’s “specific” dismantling of the unprofessionalism that occurred during the Mueller investigation.

“From my perspective, in a book filled with one delicious, serious detail after another, the pièce de résistance of Witch Hunt is the chapter titled — accurately — ‘The Media Witch Hunt.’

Jarrett lays out the media’s role in this aspect of the Witch Hunt in one detailed recounting after another. It is indeed a star-studded chapter recounting the scurrilous behind-the-scenes in the leaking of the phony “dossier.” Leaking to a media that, obsessed with hatred for Donald Trump, promptly filled its self-constructed echo chamber with the wildest of bizarre stories that, in the end, wound up damaging no one more seriously than itself and its once-very-real credibility for, to borrow from the New York Times, being “the paper of record.” Or the cable news outlet of record.

One could go on here. But the central fact is that when this moment in history finally passes, history will have Gregg Jarrett’s Witch Hunt to remind — on the record — of what really happened and who, really, was responsible for this disgrace.” – The American Spectator

In his conclusion, Mr. Lord says that history will look back to the Witch Hunt to detail the deep state and democrats’ use of the media’s “echo chamber” to sell lies and distortions.