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Michigan College Demands Students Use Tracking App, Cannot Leave Campus

A new app intended to keep you safe from COVID-19 will alert authorities if you leave a 4.5-mile radius. No, this is not in China, it’s right here at home in Michigan.

Albion College

[otw_shortcode_dropcap label=”A” font=”Ultra” background_color_class=”otw-no-background” size=”large” border_color_class=”otw-no-border-color”][/otw_shortcode_dropcap] new app intended to keep you safe from COVID-19 will alert authorities if you leave a 4.5-mile radius. No, this is not in China, it’s right here at home in Michigan. Students of Albion College are required to download the phone application that will track “track their location and private health data at all times in an attempt to protect them from the coronavirus” reported the Washington Free Beacon.

Aiming to make a controlled “COVID-bubble” on its campus, students are required to stay on the school’s 4.5-mile perimeter for the entire semester. “If a student leaves campus, the app will notify the administration, and the student could be temporarily suspended.” Many universities, including Harvard, shut down campuses entirely in the same of safety and will become 100 percent virtual.

Other schools are allowing in-person learning but with mask and social distancing guidelines. Those who do not feel comfortable will be able to do everything virtually. There is also a “hybrid” option such as at the University of California system which will provide “majority of classes online with a selection of hybrid options.”

Not Albion. “The school wants my daughter to sign a form consenting to specimen collection and lab testing,” said one father of an Albion student who called the scenario a university-sanctioned invasion of privacy. Outrageously, professors and administrators are not required to stay on campus the way the students are.

Senior Andrew Arszulowicz said “I feel like I am being treated like a five-year-old that cannot be trusted to follow rules. If the school believes masks work…why are we not allowed to leave if they work? It does not make sense to me.” Students who refuse to comply with the contact-tracing program will be forced to defer for a semester or a full school year.
