New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio is taking heat on social media for, well, still being a hypocrite. While all standard and annual New Year’s Eve plans were canceled around the globe, de Blasio danced without a care in the world. De Blasio canceled the United States’ biggest New Year’s event, the globe dropping in Times Square.
De Blasio publicly told New Yorkers to quarantine and not go to Times Square in order to avoid large gatherings that could spread the coronavirus. Fair enough; except de Blasio did not do as he demanded of others. “Bill De Blasio…was dancing in Times Square last night while New Yorkers were quarantined. And they voted him in. Twice” tweeted Rob O’Neil, the former Navy SEAL and author of “The Operation” about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.
Videos of the mayor and his wife dancing amongst a cheerful New Year’s stage surrounded by large champagne styled balloons flooded the internet accompanied by outraged comments. The dancing was pouring salt on the public’s wound, as even before the festivities started, de Blasio spoke to reporters.
“Tonight is going to be very special,” de Blasio told reporters. “Don’t believe any doubting Thomases that say because there’s not going to be a million people or more in Times Square that it’s not going to be special. It’s going to be actually arguably the most special, the most poignant, the most moving New Year’s Eve. Everyone, watch it on television, don’t go down there, Watch from home” the mayor said.
How kind of the mayor to tell individuals to stay at home, but graciously allow them to watch his New Year’s Eve party of two. Even Democrat and Bravo network host and personality Andy Cohen bashed the mayor live on CNN during coverage heading into 2021. While getting drunk with buddy and CNN host Anderson Cooper, after the two took a shot of some sort of alcohol, Cohen said, “I’m glad I brought two bottles.”
Cooper’s clear disgust at the alcohol taste prompted Cohen to say, “that’s how I felt when I say mayor de Blasio dancing just now. I just don’t need to see that at the beginning of 2021.” Cohen then yells and throws his hands up, commenting to the mayor, “do something with this city. Honestly, get it together!” Cohen remarked.