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Released CIA Memo On Russia Hoax: Intelligence Agencies Received ‘Red Flags’ Over Clinton Involvement

Not only did Hillary Clinton dredge up a plan to tie presidential candidate Trump to Russia, but intelligence agencies were actually aware of Clinton’s involvement in the plot.

Hillary Clinton

Is there no end in sight? For fear of overusing the word ‘Bombshell,’ another bombshell has just been learned with regard to Hillary Clinton and the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Not only did Hillary Clinton dredge up a plan to tie presidential candidate Trump to Russia, but intelligence agencies were actually aware of Clinton’s involvement in the plot.

Just The News reports “The CIA decision to alert the FBI in September 2016 that there was intelligence showing the Russians believed Hillary Clinton was ‘stirring up’ a false collusion narrative to ‘vilify’ Donald Trump.” It was a “red flare, one of several warnings that the bureau had embarked on a fool’s errand that could become a source of acute institutional embarrassment” writes Just The News.

The latest declassified documents show that “between July 2016 and May 2017, the CIA repeatedly warned the FBI that the Russia collusion narrative spun by Christopher Steele’s dossier was a combination of political dirty trick by Team Clinton and targeted Russian disinformation.” According to the declassified footnotes from a Justice Department inspector general’s investigation, the CIA, “in rapid succession” alerted the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team that Russia knew “by July 2016 that Clinton had a research operation led by Steele, and by fall 2016 had fed Steele disinformation and that Steele’s dossier contained demonstrably false information.”

Additionally, the CIA told the FBI that Trump adviser Carter Page was a U.S. intelligence asset, not a Russian stooge. Despite the intelligence, “the FBI hid that crucial information from the FISA Court, in one instance even falsifying a document.” One senior U.S. intelligence official explained of the intelligence, “we had solid evidence Russia was trying to meddle in the election, and we had equally solid evidence the Trump collusion angle was nothing more than a Clinton deflection effort that the Russians picked up on and fed…two dirty tricks amplifying each other.”

Justice Department official Bruce Ohr testified in 2018 that even he himself had warned the FBI. “When I provided it to the FBI, I tried to be clear that this is source information. I don’t know how reliable it is. You’re going to have to check it out and be aware. These guys were hired by somebody relating to who’s related to the Clinton campaign, and be aware you know, they were somehow working associated with the Clinton campaign.”
