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Rep. Nadler Breaks Rules to Speed Up Impeachment

With the Democrats’ impeachment narrative decaying and falling apart exponentially, Rep. Nadler decided he had no choice but to ignore and break the rules of the House of Representatives. House Rule XI, clause 2(j)(1) states, “Whenever a hearing is conducted by a committee on a measure or matter, the minority members of the committee shall be entitled, upon request to the chair by a majority of them before the completion of the hearing, to call witnesses selected by the minority to testify with respect to that measure or matter during at least one day of hearing thereon.”

This is not a request; the minority is entitled to a hearing day. Rep. Nadler stated that one of the reasons that he was denying them a day of hearings is because it would “delay” the Democrats’ effort to impeach President Trump. Nadler stated, “There’s no precedent supporting the gentleman’s point of order, and the one precedent we have indicates that a point of order does not lie to delay consideration of articles of impeachment.”

Rep. Nadler and the Democrats cannot afford witnesses to further weaken their already weak impeachment narrative. They are rushing to impeach because the news surrounding impeachment, and the public feeling towards impeachment, are strongly starting to go against them. As many Republican representatives have stated, when the Democrats are back in the minority, they will regret their actions over the last four months.