After more than two years of global suffering from the novel coronavirus pandemic, “researchers and scientists are now confirming that your blood type can have a significant impact on the likelihood of catching Covid” reports the UK’s Mirror.
People with type A blood are more susceptible, and those with type O have a lesser risk, research has found after a variety of studies have been conducted. “Blood types and susceptibility to a Covid-19 infection was first hypothesised by researchers in China back in March 2020 and were “further echoed by a paper out of Columbia University a month later” adds the Mirror.
The popular DNA testing company 23andMe “further bolstered this theory when it was able to link customers and Covid infections among 750,000 people who were diagnosed and hospitalised for Covid-19 – and those with type O blood types were better protected.”
Finding numeric data, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine “confirmed the idea and found those with blood type A had a 45% increased risk of being infected with Covid than those with other blood types.” The findings “concluded that blood type O was 35% less likely to be infected.”
Dr Xand van Tullekan from Healthcheck UK Live said: “There is some truth in it, or at least there is some data to support it…There was a study in Wuhan that said that blood type A was more susceptible, and that’s our most common blood type in the UK.
“But whatever blood type you are, your behaviour is the same. Stay at home, and don’t go outside unless it is for proper exercise, or essential activities” said Tullekan. Experts also warn that the studies have also only looked at blood type in connection to symptomatic cases.
Regardless of blood type, the National Health “If you aren’t eligible for testing and you have symptoms of a respiratory infection such as coronavirus and have a high temperature or do not feel well enough to go to work or carry out normal activities, stay at home and avoid contact with other people,” says the National Health Service (NHS).