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The Hillary Clinton Crony Behind The Phony Dossier Identified In Durham Indictment

Hillary Clinton

It was all manipulated by Hillary Clinton and her cronies.  Or, as the Russians would say, “comrades.”

The national nightmare known as Russian collusion was an odious invention from Hillary’s fictive imagination and carried out by her cadre of loyal lieutenants who worked secretly in the shadows to smear Donald Trump as a Kremlin asset.

That is the inexorable conclusion that can be drawn from the 39-page criminal indictment by Special Counsel John Durham made public Thursday afternoon following the arrest of Igor Danchenko who supplied the pack of lies that comprised the bulk of the infamous “Steele dossier” —the nucleus of the false allegations against Trump.

Danchenko, who once worked at a liberal D.C. “think tank” with deep ties to Hillary, stands accused of lying to the FBI about his sources for the disinformation.  Yet, to some extent, he was truthful in his assessment of the dossier itself as nothing more than a compendium of gossip, rumors, innuendo, and noxious speculation.

But from whom did he obtain the sleaze that he marketed?  It wasn’t from reliable Russian sources as was long claimed by Christopher Steele, the ex-British spy and author of the dossier.  Not even close.

Several of the phony stories intended to frame Trump for conspiring with the Russians appear to have emanated from a long-time Clinton acolyte by the name of Charles H. Dolan Jr., who is identified on page 3 in the indictment as “PR Executive-1” but whose role was confirmed by his lawyer.

Dolan’s dutiful allegiance to Bill and Hillary Clinton dates back decades.  He served as Virginia state chairman for Bill’s presidential campaigns in 1992 and 1996.  He was rewarded with an appointment to a comfy do-nothing position in the State Department.

Thereafter, Dolan served as an adviser to Hillary during her failed presidential run in 2008 and was actively involved in her 2016 campaign.  Indeed, “actively” is an understatement.  The indictment lays bare a myriad of nefarious activities.

As a dedicated Hillary sycophant, Dolan proved instrumental in cultivating the Russia hoax by allegedly feeding Danchenko hearsay gossip for Steele’s dossier.  The indictment suggests that Dolan’s handiwork can be found in various parts of the discredited document, although he claims that he had no idea that it would be used as the basis for the FBI’s damaging investigation of Trump.  Right.

According to the indictment (pages 7 through 10), the Dolan-Danchenko duo was connected to the most salacious allegation against Trump, the so-called “pee tape” involving supposed lewd acts with prostitutes in the presidential suite at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Moscow.

In June of 2016, Dolan traveled there and toured the suite but discovered from the manager and staff that no vulgar acts involving Trump had occurred.  He met with Danchenko at the hotel, who then jetted off to London into the waiting arms of Steele who was busy composing his bogus dossier that was secretly funded by Hillary’s campaign.  Immediately thereafter, the “pee tape” myth became its notorious feature.

The fact that obscene behavior by Trump never happened did not deter the ex-spook from fabricating the damning story that was then blasted to the American public through media loudspeakers without a scintilla of credible evidence.  When interviewed by the FBI, Dolan confirmed that his sojourn to the hotel produced not a single incriminating word about Trump.

Danchenko is charged with repeatedly lying to the FBI by claiming that he never received any information for the dossier from Dolan.  The indictment makes it clear that the special counsel is armed with evidence to the contrary and that Danchenko’s coverup of Dolan’s contribution to the sordid tales significantly harmed the FBI’s investigation.

In addition, Danchenko stands accused of lying to the FBI about a conversation he claims to have had with another purported dossier source, Sergei Millian, a former president of the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce who was not explicitly named in the indictment.  Emails uncovered by Durham disprove that Danchenko ever spoke with Millian about anything.

One of the great ironies produced by Durham’s indictment is how a Hillary adviser was meeting with a number of top Russian officials in Moscow while her minions were dishonestly accusing a Trump adviser, Carter Page, of doing the same thing but with treasonous intent.  It is sometimes true that the accuser is guilty, not the accused.

And so it is with Hillary Clinton.  Declassified CIA documents show that on July 26, 2016 she approved an audacious plot to vilify her political opponent, Donald Trump, with false accusations that he was colluding with Russia to steal the presidential election.  The genesis of the smear came from Hillary herself as a strategy to distract from her own email scandal.  It was magnificently devious and classic Clinton.

Her campaign financed the dossier and her allies sedulously disseminated the lies to both the FBI and the gullible media, both of whom went after Trump with a vengeance.  It produced the greatest mass delusion in American political history.

Now, thanks to Durham’s most recent indictment, another vital piece of the puzzle has been filled in.  It wasn’t a Russian insider, but a Hillary crony who furnished material for some of the dossier’s deceitful claims.

It’s hard to conceive of anyone more duplicitous and despicable than Hillary Clinton.
