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UPDATE: Chicago Judge Appoints Special Prosecutor to Investigate Jussie Smollett Case

A Chicago judge officially named a special prosecutor Friday to investigate the city’s handling of charges related to ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett’s alleged hate crime hoax.

“A judge in Chicago on Friday named a special prosecutor who will investigate how local officials handled the case against Jussie Smollett, who was accused of paying two acquaintances to attack him, making the assault look like a racist and homophobic hate crime,” reports the New York Times.

“The new special prosecutor, Dan K. Webb, is a former United States attorney and a high-profile Chicago lawyer who worked as a special counsel in the Iran-contra affair. The appointment came two months after Judge Michael P. Toomin of Cook County ordered that a lawyer be named to take another look at the case. The judge was charged with finding someone to assess whether there was any misconduct in the way the case was managed and whether there is justification for renewing the prosecution of Mr. Smollett, whose felony charges were dropped in March,” adds the newspaper

Original story: June 25, 2019

Chicago police released new details regarding ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett’s alleged hate crime hoax Tuesday; publishing videos of the celebrity wearing a “noose” and saying he searched his own name “50 times” following the “attack.”

“In the days after Jussie Smollett said he was the victim of a racially motivated attack, there was a spike in interest in his story–including from the actor himself,” reports CBS Chicago. “Smollett, shortly after the Jan. 29 incident, Googled himself more than 50 times, a review of his computer search records by Chicago Police found.”

“Chicago Police released Jussie Smollett’s search history in the days following the reported attack. He googled ‘Jussie Smollett’ at least 50+ times,” added on reporter.

In a surprising turn of events, a Cook County Judge appointed a special prosecutor to investigate the scandal surrounding ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett; probing a Chicago official’s sudden decision to drop all charges regarding his alleged hate crime hoax.

“Judge Michael Toomin ruled that State’s Attorney Kim Foxx had the right to withdraw from the prosecution but could not legally appoint her top deputy to handle the case in her place,” reports the Chicago Tribune. “The special prosecutor could end up charging Smollett, Toomin said, and if the investigation uncovers suspicion of wrongdoing by others, additional charges could be brought.”

“Former state appellate Judge Sheila O’Brien has spearheaded the effort for a special prosecutor, arguing that State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s actions created ‘a perception that justice was not served here, that Mr. Smollett received special treatment,’” adds the newspaper. “County prosecutors oppose the move, saying a special prosecutor would duplicate the efforts of the county inspector general’s office.”

The Chicago Police Department released hundreds of documents surrounding the case earlier this year; filing a lawsuit against Smollett to recoup costs associated with lengthy investigation.

“Feb 13: Police located and interviewed the Osundairo brothers, who confessed. They said Jussie Smollett planned and staged the attack. This was one day before Smollett went on Good Morning America,” posted a reporter with CBS Chicago.
